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Lehighton borough hires new secretary

Lehighton has a new borough secretary in the fold.

Borough Manager Dane DeWire introduced Jessica Ahner to borough council at Monday’s meeting.

Council unanimously hired Ahner at a special meeting on May 20, pending acceptance and pre-employment screening, on a one-year contract at a salary of $50,000.

DeWire said that Ahner began her new position on June 3.

Ahner previously served as secretary for Towamensing Township.

Last month, council on a 6-0 vote after an executive session agreed to offer the position to candidate No. 2 and hire upon acceptance and conditional approval.

Council declined to release the name of the person at that time.

That decision came after council voted at a special meeting in April to hire two people for clerk positions.

However, the initial candidate for whom the borough hired for borough secretary at a rate of $51,000 per year on a one-year contract declined to take the position.

At council’s special meeting in April, council also voted to hire the position of borough utility billing clerk at a rate of $22.73 per hour union contract.