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Coaldale will start livestreaming meetings

The Coaldale Borough Council plans to livestream meetings beginning next month.

“It was suggested at the training that I went to that; we start livestreaming,” borough secretary Beth Martinico told council Tuesday.

She said some attendees record the meetings, but don’t always share complete footage to the social media sites they’re using.

“This is not attacking anybody that is sitting in our particular room and it is not just us. Lansford is having it. Lehighton is having problems, Nesquehoning is having problems with people not putting on the whole thing or contradicting what real things are/or (providing) false information” through their incomplete footage, she said.

When Coaldale starts the livestreams, videos will be added to the borough’s website, www.coaldaleborough.org.

Martinico said residents who are unable to attend meetings in person can watch the footage - and if they need information on any matters that are discussed, they can contact the borough office.

She said it was suggested that they do not post the livestream to the borough’s Facebook page or social media.

“It is just a video. It’s not meant to go back and forth” with comments, Martinico said.

The borough recently revamped its website. It includes a host of information about borough services, provides contact numbers, and information about past council meetings.