Buddy bench donated
Published June 13. 2024 05:01PM
Members of Unit 360 and Post 360 presented a “Buddy Bench “ to the Weatherly Area School District. The bench was placed in the elementary/middle school atrium.
The Buddy Bench” painted in the school colors of orange and black was constructed by Carbon Career and Technical Institute students Madeline Weaver and Alessandro Hernandez under the supervision of carpentry instructor, Jeff Hazleton.
Theresa “Buddy Bench “ is a place for a student in need of a friend to sit and find a friend. The saying on the bench, “Be someone’s reason to smile!”
Post 360 members Ray Derossiers and Todd Englehart delivered the bench to the school.
Members of Unit 360 and Post 360 presented a “Buddy Bench” to the Weatherly Area School District. The bench was placed in the elementary/middle school atrium. The “Buddy Bench” painted in the school colors of orange and black was constructed by Carbon Career and Technical Institute students Madeline Weaver and Alessandro Hernandez under the supervision of carpentry instructor, Jeff Hazleton. The “Buddy Bench” is a place for a student in need of a friend to sit and find a friend. The saying on the bench, “Be someone's reason to smile!” Post 360 members Ray Derossiers and Todd Englehart delivered the bench to the school. Members of Carbon Career & Technical Institute and Unit 360 members gather around the buddy bench at CCTI. From left are: Theresa D'Andrea, Georgeann Herling, CCTI students Madeline Weaver and Alessandro Hernandez, carpentry instructor Jeff Hazleton and Unit 360 members Georgia Farrow and Judy Derossiers. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
Delivering the buddy bench to Weatherly Area School District, from left are: Georgia Farrow, Unit 360 president; Theresa D'Andrea, Unit 360 Chaplain; Chris Kimmel, vice principal for Weatherly Area School District; Weatherly Police Officer Ed Kubert; Dr. Brian Pipech, director of special services, and Georgeann Herling, district president and Unit 360 member.