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N. Lehigh grads told don’t be afraid to take chances

It’s important to take a step outside your comfort zone and take a chance on something new.

Never be afraid to take a shot, because if you don’t try, you may miss your chance at the opportunities that are awaiting you.

Those were among the words of advice shared with members of the Northern Lehigh High School Class of 2024 during commencement exercises Friday evening in Bulldog Stadium.

Victoria Hanna, senior class president told her fellow classmates that from the very beginning of their high school careers, they had a different introduction to high school and a different first day.

“We were the first class to experience freshman year in a hybrid schedule,” Hanna said. “For some, our first day in school was Monday and for others it was Thursday.

“We didn’t get the chance to see half of our friends during freshman year unless it was virtually, we always had to wear a mask, and constantly social distance ourselves, and we weren’t given the opportunity to experience many events,” Hanna said.

“Even after having to experience these difficult times, we gained the strength to persevere through any challenges, which also allowed us to overcome our future complications.”

Hanna said that their time at Northern Lehigh has shaped them into who they are today.

“Through these challenging four years, we have built the strength and courage to face any new challenges in our life,” she said.

Class of 2024 Valedictorian Delaney Szwast asked each of her classmates to take a few seconds to reflect on the person that they were four years ago, as they have since experienced many changes following the COVID-19 pandemic.

“On an individual level, we have faced challenges that have helped us grow as people, and we have made decisions that have had (and will have) great impacts on our lives,” Szwast said. “We have been (and will continue to be) presented with opportunities that we can choose to capitalize on, that we can choose to take a risk for; or we can choose to let them go and hope we get another chance in the future.”

Class of 2024 Salutatorian Ainsley Behr said that in 2020, there were continental wildfires, World War III threats, a global pandemic, murder hornets, and a national toilet paper shortage.

“All before we even got to the battlefront of all-virtual days and hybrid classes that was our freshman (year at Northern Lehigh),” Behr said.

“Ever since that two-week break in eighth grade, time has just flown by.”

Behr noted the students couldn’t have gotten through it “without teachers who had to completely change everything they had ever known during the pandemic, guidance personnel who coordinated so much more than just schedules, administration through multiple staffing shifts, hallway personnel who elegantly handled whatever we threw at them. Thank you all so much for everything you’ve done for us.”

She said that historically, the job of a little bulldog was literally to take down a bull, and that however horrific, tied together, and often the bulldogs pinned this bull to the ground.

“Don’t go along with the bad parts of this world; the bull that we are tied to,” she said. “Fight it, like a bulldog by stabilizing yourself with the things you love; being a help to others, like the help we have received; (and by) being truly great, by doing good.”

Northern Lehigh High School Principal Dr. Lori Bali greeted family members, while student council representative Kaitlyn Stock recognized the Slatington High School Class of 1974 attendees on the 50th year of their graduation.

Assistant Principal Michael Strohl recognized several retirees with many years of experience in the district. Superintendent Dr. Matthew J. Link presented the graduation class.

School board President Mathias Green presented the diplomas to the graduates.

2024 Northern Lehigh High School graduates Emily Koch, Hannah Frederick, Daisy Richards and Abigail Allen celebrate with a selfie following commencement exercises Friday evening at Bulldog Community Stadium. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Members of the Northern Lehigh High School Class of 2024 throw their hats into the sky after commencement exercises Friday evening at Bulldog Community Stadium. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS