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Marywood student earns voting honor

Marywood student Kelly Royer of Weatherly has been named to the 2024 ALL IN Student Voting Honor Roll, which recognizes college students doing outstanding work to advance nonpartisan democratic engagement at participating campuses.

Royer, who is pursuing her degree in physician assistant studies, joins a group of 137 students recognized for their voter registration, education, and turnout efforts during the 2023 elections, which featured critical ballot measures and local and state races.

“Whether it’s a presidential election year or one with critical state and local races on the ballot, students have a powerful role to play in fostering active and engaged campuses and getting their peers to participate in our democracy. Ahead of the 2024 presidential election, the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge is honored to celebrate 137 student leaders who model nonpartisan democratic engagement,” said Jennifer Domagal-Goldman, Executive Director of the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.