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Letter to the editor: The Faux Insurrection

Democrats will stop at nothing to prevent Donald J. Trump from getting reelected. Expect a reboot of the FAUX Insurrection. Here are a few facts the FAKE NEWS media won’t tell you about Jan 6.

1) NONE of the FAUX Insurrectionists had any weapons.

2) The only person killed that day was an unarmed female veteran, Ashli Babbitt, shot dead by a Capitol Hill Police Officer who has a history of mishandling his firearm.

3) Over 200 undercover FBI assets were present at the Capitol on Jan 6.

4) Donald J. Trump authorized the use of 10,000 National Guard troops for the Capitol on Jan 6. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser turned his offer down, in writing. Her authorization was required for Trump to have his request met.

5) Video footage shows Capitol Hill Police Officers holding the doors open to the Capitol to allow participants in. Footage also shows the alleged ringleader, the QAnon Shaman, being given a guided solo tour of the Capitol, room by room, by Capitol Hill PO’s. He was sentenced to 41 months in prison.

6) Knowingly false information stating Trump attacked his driver was presented during the sham Democrat-led House Committee Investigation.

7) Unprecedented harsh sentences were handed out to the participants. 1,200 charged, 467 incarcerated. Some were held in solitary confinement for over a year. Some were denied due process for 2 years. Witnesses say the DC gulag conditions are Third World, with Gitmo prisoners receiving better treatment.

Let’s compare Jan. 6 to the 574 George Floyd Summer of Love riots in 2020.

1) The Summer of Love riots cost billions of dollars in property damage as cities across our country were razed.

2) Dozens of people were killed and more than 2,000 police officers were injured.

3) Few of the rioters received any punishment and VP Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund to spring the participants. Cities across the US have agreed to pay out more than $80 million in settlements to protesters injured by police during the 2020 “racial justice” movement.

Do you see a double standard here?

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Twp.