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Nesquehoning pays tribute to those who served

Nesquehoning didn’t let the threat of severe weather deter the community from remembering those who died serving this country.

On Monday, members of the Nesquehoning VFW gathered for a Memorial Day parade and service.

The parade kicked off on the west end of town, stopping at two veterans memorials where a gun salute and wreath laying took place. The parade then traveled through town, ending at the VFW Post home, where a full memorial service was held.

RT Bliss, senior vice commander of the VFW, welcomed everyone, explaining the meaning of Memorial Day.

“Honor. Duty. Country,” Bliss said of the men and women who chose to serve and made the ultimate sacrifice. “They died for us. As a nation, we must remind ourselves of the future they fought for and do our best to live up to those values in the days ahead.”

The sun made an appearance, smiling down on the borough as Christa Acciarito, president of the VFW auxiliary, spoke about our freedoms and the sacrifices so many made.

“We have men and women who selflessly gave their lives allowing us the freedoms that we have today,” she said, reminding those in attendance to honor those who chose to serve and never came home.

Guest speaker for the event was Greg Wirth, a Nesquehoning resident and Army veteran.

During his 21-year career, Wirth served in many capacities, both stateside, as well as abroad. He served two tours in Iraq and one in Germany.

The service ended with the reading of the names of the Nesquehoning veterans who passed since the last Memorial Day.

Members of Nesquehoning VFW Post 8008 begin their march during the Memorial Day parade on Monday. Threats of severe weather didn't deter the Nesquehoning community from holding services to remember those who died. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS
Ted Dacey stands after reading the names of the veterans who died since last Memorial Day.
Nesquehoning Poppy Queen Lilian Wirth, helps Christa Acciarito, VFW Auxiliary president, with placing a wreath at the veterans memorial on the west end of town.
Carson Black waves an American flag in the Memorial Day parade as part of the Anthracite Little League attendees.
Wesleigh Sunday, left; and Bristol White, smile as they get ready to throw candy during the Nesquehoning Memorial Day parade.