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Gilbert Legion offers salute to service, sacrifice

Legion Post Commander Danny Insalata, U.S. Army, led the Memorial Day program at the Gilbert American Legion, reminding all those in attendance about the importance of the sacrifices made by the men and women who gave their lives in service of America.

He asked those who were veterans to stand and be recognized as a part of those who gave their lives in service to America.

“I am an American soldier. I am a warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States of America and live military values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade ... I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life. I am an American soldier,” he recited.

In honor of the Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the various wars and conflicts; Art Wahl, Sergeant at Arms, placed the POW/MIA flag over an empty chair.

Guest speaker, Pa. State Rep. Jack Rader offered words of wisdom from past presidents of the United States.

One quote from President John F. Kennedy was, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill; we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

Don Wild Eagle Wuebber presented the Legion with a wheel and explained its significance of the various colors of the wheel.

“When the sun rises, the color is yellow. When the sun folds, it brings night. Every nation here turns white. We honor the female; for without them, we would not be here at all. The color is red in the south. We honor the Asian nation, the American nation, Afro nation, and the Native nation, to know that we went through all these combats and conflicts and the wars. The circle of light shows that we can still stand here together, and keep its bond, trust, and faith in this country for our men and women who fought for this country.”

David Siegle, Deputy Commander, District 30, Pennsylvania, gave a special tribute to a member of the Gilbert Legion, Phillip S. Froncek, who passed away in March 2024.

Siegle recalled when he first met Froncek at a meeting, and the two had disagreed on a particular course of action. Seigle remembers that Foncek came up to him afterwards and asked if he was OK.

“I told him, there are no hard feelings. We both shared a common bond of trying to do what’s best. We just differ in the way to get there. I thought more about that since then. Imagine in the world that we live in; if, when someone disagrees, they would reach out to the other party and say, ‘Hey, we disagreed. Are you OK?’ The impact that would have.”

A plaque and a bouquet of flowers was given to Patricia Froncek in honor of her late husband Phillip’s passing.

Art Wahl, sergeant at arms, and Commander Insalata read the names of the Gilbert Legion veterans who passed away since Memorial Day 2023, ringing a bell after each name.

Post Chaplain Eileen McGuire offered the invocation and benediction at the ceremony.

After the indoor service, all went outside to the flagpoles where Insalata led a flag ceremony. Five members of Boy Scout Troop 102 of Gilbert helped Insalata in placing a wreath at the flagpoles. The five scouts who participated were Jack Deemer, Saylorsburg; Robert Livingston, Effort; Claudio Stabile, Kunkletown; Sam Deemer, Saylorsburg; and Tyler Gregorakis, Kunkletown.

A rifle salute and taps followed.

Gilbert American Legion Post Commander Danny Insalata, right, presents a bouquet of flowers to Patricia Froncek, left, in honor of her husband, Phillip Froncek, who passed away in March. Looking on is David Siegle, Deputy Commander, District 30, Pennsylvania. See a photo gallery at tnonline.com. JAMES LOGUE JR./SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Post Commander Danny Insalata lowers and raises the flags during a Flag Ceremony as part of the Memorial Day service at the American Legion Post 927 in Gilbert.