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Girl Scout offers science equipment loan project

Girl Scout Ava Stabile is launching a microscope and telescope loan program at Western Pocono Community Library in Brodheadsville.

Starting in mid-June, library guests can choose from three telescopes and three microscopes to borrow for about a one to two-week period using their library card.

“I am excited to see where this program goes. Our former library director loved astronomy and telescopes, so this is bringing it full circle,” said Patti Weiss, library director.

This is the library’s first microscope and telescope loan program. Weiss said the staff is working on some final logistics, including some sort of liability form for borrowers to fill out before taking such expensive equipment home.

“The library has been a valuable resource to me growing up, so I wanted to give back. These types of telescope and microscope programs are rare,” said Stabile, a ninth grade Commonwealth Charter Academy student and member of Troop 52309.

Stabile has had a passion for science and microscopes since she was a child. She quickly decided on this project for her Girl Scout Gold Award.

“I want to introduce science, technology, engineering and math to people who might not otherwise have an opportunity to use this equipment,” she said.

Stabile’s initial goal was to raise $2,300. Through fundraising parties held at the library and selling items at Blue Ridge Flea Market, she surpassed her goal and raised $3,130.

She also received a sponsorship from Team Celestron in partnership with the Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy project, awarding her an 8-inch Dobsonian telescope, 2 LCD slide microscopes and 2 LCD surface microscopes.

“With the extra raised funds, Ava will be adding a Seestar S50 telescope to the loaner fleet, expanding the accessibility of science and technology to our community,” said Claudio M. Stabile, her father.

The entire Stabile family loves astronomy. Her older brother, Claudio T. Stabile, built an observatory at the Polk Township north field, which houses telescopes and equipment, for his Eagle Scout project last year. Their father was an active supporter and helper for that project as well.

About 50 guests attended the final fundraising event on April 27, in which the four Olympus microscopes, 2 Celestron microscopes, 8-inch Dobsonian telescope and a 4 ½ inch tabletop Zhumell reflector telescope were there to use.

“I am proud of her for choosing this project and giving people a chance to look closely at things,” said troop leader Lauralee Serfass.

Ava is one of three girls from her troop pursuing a Gold Award.

“I am as excited as Ava is. I am a geologist. When I heard Ava wanted to do this as her project, I reached out to Rutgers University for the microscope donation,” said Cecilia Fontana, Ava’s advisor and sponsor for this project.

The university donated four Olympus microscopes. A couple weeks ago, Fontana reached out to Dr. Cathleen Doherty, who teaches Earth and Planetary Science at Rutgers University, to ask her to donate rock and mineral slides.

Doherty did more than just send slides and notes about each slide. She wanted to meet Ava and learn more about the microscope and telescope loan program. She brought her daughter, Summer, and friend, Eliza Marsh, to the gathering on Saturday. The 10-year-old girls looked at slides of tardigrades, also known as water bears, under the microscope. They then veered into the Celestron telescope to look at the American flag waving in the distance across the street.

The girls and Ava talked about their love of science. Ava’s considering a career in pharmacology.

Sally and Ken Jablonski were also at the fundraiser and gave a donation on behalf of the Adam Martin Jablonski foundation. It is named for their son, who died of cancer.

“We have been helping the local Boy and Girl Scouts with projects. It is a pleasure to be part of this cause. It’s what Adam would want,” said his mother.

Weiss said there will be an announcement about the microscope and telescope loan program on the library’s website and Facebook page when it’s ready to launch.

The equipment will be in the reference area. The microscopes can be used on site or borrowed.

Girl Scout Ava Stabile shows a slide under a microscope to Eliza Marsh (center) and Summer Doherty (right) during a fundraising event recently at the Western Pocono Community Library. STACI L. GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Girl Scout Ava Stabile talks to Joe Cooper and his daughter, Erika Cooper, about her Gold Award Project, where library patrons will be able to borrow telescopes and microscopes, Stabile held her final fundraising event held recently. STACI L. GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS