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Lansford won’t accept cash starting July 1

Lansford Borough Council narrowly approved a move to go cashless.

The borough will stop accepting cash payments for borough bills, such as sanitation and sewage transmission fees, starting July 1.

Before the vote, council Vice President Jay Doyle asked if other boroughs are also instituting no cash policies.

“A lot of places are doing no cash now,” Council President Bruce Markovich said.

Councilman Joseph Butrie said many older people don’t have credit cards, or even bank accounts, and asked how they are going to pay their bills without cash.

“They can get a money order,” Councilwoman Michele Bartek said.

Butrie said that is an added expense for people who are on fixed incomes.

“I don’t agree with the no cash policy,” he said.

The issue centers on the safety and security of the office staff, Markovich said.

Before a vote, council discussed notifying residents about a no cash policy in the next round of bills going out, and also putting a notice up on the website.

Resident Mary Soberick suggested the borough institute the policy starting next year and providing notice with each bill going out this year to ensure everyone knows about the change.

“Then, they can’t say they missed it,” she said.

Councilwoman Jennifer Staines made the motion to go cashless, and Bartek offered a second. Council split on a voice vote.

On a roll-call vote, council voted 4-3 in favor of going cashless. Those in favor were Bartek, Markovich, Staines and Councilwoman Gwyneth Collevechio. Those opposed included Butrie, Doyle and Councilman Jack Soberick.