Chestnuthill Twp. sets conditions for repair shop
Chestnuthill Township board of supervisors approved three conditions that were appealed by Christosa Holdings regarding their truck and car repair shop. The conditions were related to hours of operation, parking of vehicles, and location of repair work.
First, the hours of operation will be limited to 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to noon on Saturdays, and no hours on Sunday unless it is an emergency.
The second condition was none of their business vehicles can be parked on Firehouse Lane. The last condition is that no service or repair is allowed to be done outside of the building and the bay doors must be closed by 7 p.m.
The Murphys, who live next to the facility, were adamant about the disturbances that the business will cause. They questioned what constitutes an emergency, and how these conditions will be enforced. They felt the zoning officer/planning director Matt Neeb would not be responsive. The board responded that they “will enforce times.”
Other business
• James D. Morrisey was awarded the paving bid at a cost of $984,754, which includes 8.48 miles of road segments with line striping and milling.
• A draft decision was made about a short-term rental house at 206 Merwinsburg Road.
• A change order was made for Bruce George excavating for a $23,220 payment for the Little Mexico trail head.
• The game commission discussed the “400 Agreement” related to habitat management. The Hunter Access Program, governed by a term-lease agreement, creates a partnership between the game commission and landowner. Hunters and trappers help to manage game and furbearer populations through lawful hunting and trapping. There is an 800-acre site and two 150-acre sites where this would occur.
• Approved a $3,500 appraisal to Tom McKeown for an easement for a culvert and bridge at 257 Silver Valley Road.
• Approved two donation requests: Kettle Creek Environmental Center will receive $1,000, and the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office will receive $599 for a one-third page advertisement for the anti-drug/anti-violence folders.
• Accepted the resignation of the project coordinator/grant writer. The new project coordinator/code enforcement officer will be Steve Baade at a rate of $43 per hour.
• Appointed Kathy Cruz as the camp director at a rate of $22 per hour for the six-week camp. Ashlee Rundle was approved as a camp counselor.
• The new Emergency Service Facility has a right of way agreement with PenTeleData for Blue Ridge Cable.
• An agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation will allow township manager David Albright to sign traffic signal maintenance agreements that will then go to the state.
• Resident Carl Larsen questioned the board about his neighbor firing guns day and night. Larsen was adamant about the noise level and concerned that nothing is being done even when he calls the state police or code enforcement officer. The board noted his neighbor is permitted to fire guns on his property as long as there is a backstop.