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Letter to the editor: Political Realities

Has anyone else become upset with the rapidly rising (and obscene) costs of food and gasoline? It certainly appears to me that Big Business wants to rapidly increase inflation with the goal of blaming - via the help of Big Business owned media - the current White House administration for the economy and inflation during this election year.

The reality is that the Executive Branch of government does not control the economy or inflation. It is the U.S. Congress (Republicans and Democrats) tasked with controlling the economy - which they refuse to do. To close tax loopholes, break up monopolies and regulate the prices of commodities would reduce campaign contributions.

As long as their elected officials remain in control, Big Business is allowed to set prices in an unfettered way. This accommodation has been going on for decades. It’s going to be tough to break free of this economic dictatorship, so we have to start with new elected officials who have the courage to reign in the economy.

The other issue being discussed (heatedly) is abortion. This is not a political party issue. The great majority of Americans affirm a woman’s right to make health decisions - in opposition to some religious beliefs. Our great Country was founded and based on individual freedom and rights, and reality is far more powerful than beliefs. Let’s all respect our fellow citizens.

David Thor Straten-Mohr

Franklin Township