Some years ago, a young comedian named Jeff Foxworthy had a very popular routine called, You know you’re a redneck if...
Today this could be changed to...
You know you’re a radical if...
You believe a 34 trillion dollar deficit is not a problem and a balanced budget is bad.
A secure border is racist.
An illegal immigrant takes precedence over a homeless vet.
A young child should go to drag queen story hour instead of Sunday school.
A Young children should be taught to use their desired pronouns, when they don’t even know the definition of a pronoun.
It’s OK for female athletes to compete against biological males.
You support politicians who spend trillions of tax dollars to fight climate change and stop the rise of ocean levels, then buy ocean front properties.
You believe the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a “great success” even though 13 American lives were lost and billions of dollars of equipment was left behind.
You support any effort to defund the police.
You support sending billions of dollars to foreign countries who hate the U.S.A.
That the FBI is not covering up the truth instead of finding the truth.
You believe billionaire George Soros should continue funding the campaigns of attorney generals who will not jail criminals.
You support billionaire Mark Zuckerburg placing drop boxes in critical voting districts without ballot chain of custodies.
You think this country has a gun problem and not a morality problem.
You support abortions up to the time of birth and even after the baby’s birth.
You believe the national media and academia are not on the side of the Democratic Party.
You believe the destruction of religion and the nuclear family is necessary.
You think Bidenomics is working.
You believe Hamas is good and Israel is evil.
You think that your parent’s and grandparent’s Democratic Party is the same as it is today.
And to quote Joe Biden...Look folks, here’s the deal. I’m serious, that’s not hyperbole, not a joke.”
Ken Minnick