Letter to the editor: The decline of our nation
Many Americans are wondering why our nation is declining. Surprisingly, our decline is linked to the irreligious tenets of the French Revolution.
Our decline can be traced to the French Revolution’s overthrowing of the Ancient Regime and the implementation of the separation of church and state in the new Republic.
Sadly, our Founding Fathers also embraced this same philosophy.
In the past, the harmonious union of Church and State was instrumental in forming a Christian Civilization. However, after ruthless revolutionaries sharpened the guillotines and severed the heads of the Catholic monarchy and the voice of the church in society, it opened the doors for unscrupulous leaders to manipulate the masses.
Hence, our rapid decline is caused by the globalist cabal promoting a one-world order. To achieve this all nations must be equal; as a consequence, America is on the chopping block; never to return to its former greatness.
To make America equal with other nations power-hungry elites are orchestrating the “Venezuelazation” of our country through open borders; permitting illegal immigrants to undermine our sovereignty, economy, and laws.
In addition, the daily political circus in Washington is orchestrated to make Americans mistrust their leadership and traditional institutions.
Wouldn’t it also be feasible to expedite our downfall for one-world leaders to conspire to drag America into a war, possibly in the Middle East, maneuvering for us to lose; causing our prestige to wane worldwide?
Ironically, President Biden made Congress a pseudo-church, using the arm of the State and corrupt DAs to weaken our constitutional stability further.
St. Pope Pius X prophetically warned about the perils of the separation of church and state; “That the state must be separate from the Church is a thesis absolutely false, a most pernicious error.”
Walter Camier
Hazle Township