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Letter to the editor: Fairy tales and dumb as a rock

Everybody loves Tinker Bell, The Tooth Fairy, Cinderella, Superman and Wonder Woman, but at some point we recognize they are fictional fairy tales.

It is unfathomable, many people believe the fictional fairy tales of government. The following are examples of fairy tales force fed to Americans by the U.S. Government.

A. Inflation is less than 4% and getting better

B. Unemployment is 3.8%

C. Borders in the southwest are controlled and illegal immigration is improving

D. If we send Ukraine billions of dollars, we can win the war against Russia

E. Polls are all true and Biden is ahead of Trump

F. 37% of the people think Biden is doing a good job

G Interest rate cuts are coming and the dollar is strong

H. CPI is accurate without adding food and energy costs

J. Wind and solar power can run our country and the military

K. If a biologic male says he is a woman, he can compete against women

L. mRNA vaccines were successful

M. Calling illegal immigrants “Newcomers” makes breaking immigration laws legal

N. Biden won the last election

O. 35 trillion dollars in debt is no big deal

The disastrous truth regarding the current illicit regimes policies has resulted in untold deaths from vaccines, destruction of the rule of law, unprosecuted criminals, uncontrolled illegal immigration, devaluation of the dollar, raging inflation, escalating energy costs, massive job losses, soaring health care costs, unaffordable insurance costs, a controlled main stream media spewing lies daily and finally the daily treat of nuclear war.

The current “mantra” conjured up by this out of touch regime is: “Russia did it and it’s Trumps fault.” If you believe in Tinker Bell and Superman and the fictional tales of government, then you are “As Dumb Asa A Rock.”

Terrence Watto (Retired U.S. Navy)
