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Letter to the editor: The people who control taxes

Five years ago, we as Pennsylvania Citizens voted in favor of House Bill 76 which does away with the current structure of school property taxes. The politicians (dictators) in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh do what they want, which satisfies them. I also would like our school superintendent to live in this district as he is part of the dictatorship that controls my taxes.

The citizens of Slatington should know the borough council is looking into hiring a person for 12 months to update their financial records. Financial records should always be up to date! It’s time to check into past council men and women. I told the previous borough manager where and what to look for. Within two months she was let go. I told her so!

As a Vietnam veteran I cannot get legal prescription drugs, thanks to the politicians. I can get illegal drugs on Main Street in Slatington. The politicians told me I earned too much money. Well, the government did not ask me about my finances prior to entering the U.S. Army! I was proud to serve my country, but not the government. No politician should ever ring my door bell.

The clown wagon of Trump came two months early as the Schnecksville Fair is not until June.

Ron Scheffler