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Letter to the Editor: Making a case that climate change is real

Climate research comes from thousands of scientific papers (peer reviewed) over decades since the 19th century.

This includes research from geology, geophysics, paleontology, oceanography, atmospheric physics, meteorology, and glaciology.

The oldest ice core studied in Antarctica and Greenland by European paleontologists at McMurdo Station extends back 800,00 years and shows long cold periods, interspersed by years of warm inter glacial periods. The magnitude and rate of recent increases are unprecedented. For 27 years Greenland has lost ice.

Ancient tree stems and the bone of an extinct steppe bison horn sticks out of the frozen permafrost inside the Fox Permafrost Tunnel in Alaska. They ranged during the late Pleistocene (last ice age.)

For centuries along the shores of the Chukchi, the Inupiat ice cellars have been used to store whale meat by the local residents. In recent years the underground cellars are warming due to climate change.

Coral Reefs around the world are dying off.

Currently 1 million species are on the verge of disappearing.

In 2017 the Trump administration quickly spread climate denial disinformation. London interview January 30, 2018 with Piers Morgan, revealed “the very deep level of his ignorance.”

The Republicans used “regulatory capture” when Trump placed fossil fuel lobbyist Andrew Wheeler as Administrator of the EPA. Corporations don’t like being held accountable for their activities, especially by scientific authority getting in the way.

Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement and many Republican legislators do not like the shift in U.S. energy environmental policies.

According to the International Monetary Fund, the true cost of U.S. government subsidies to the fossil fuel industry (coal, oil & gas plus defending abroad) is closer to $649 billion a year, 10 times more than the Dept. of Education Budget.

And, it doesn’t account for the cost of environmental and public health injury.

Billions was spent over decades on denial and obstruction with GOP political dark money. Exxon had a 30 year campaign of denial. No wonder the United States has the largest number of climate deniers.

Did I mention, Big Oil pulled in $4 trillion last year.

Debra Becker
