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The following sentences were handed down Feb. 20 by Carbon County Common Pleas Judge Joseph Matika:

• Chance Michael Whiteman, 23, was sentenced to 1-2 years in state prison for a terroristic threats conviction.

• Damian Michael Strausberger, 23, of Lansford, was sentenced to 90 days-1 year in Carbon County Prison for a resisting arrest conviction.

• Karen A Stefanick, 59, of Lansford, was placed on probation for one year for a theft conviction.

• Angelea Nikkole Schlier, 33, of Lehighton, was fined $150 for a possession of a small amount of marijuana conviction.

• Chad Anthony Muniz, 47, of Summit Hill, was sentenced to 20-40 days in Carbon County Prison on a scattering rubbish conviction.

- Jarrad Hedes