Letter to the Editor: Stop the truck terminals in Kidder Twp.
I am a longtime owner of a vacation home in Split Rock, Lake Harmony, and have major concerns regarding the numerous truck terminals/warehouses being built in our area.
There has been no consideration by the Kidder Township board of supervisors about what the long-term effects will be to our beautiful, peaceful way of life. Not only will the roads and traffic be negatively impacted, but the loss of trees, plants, animals, as well as clean, fresh air and water will be devastating.
The loss of impervious surfaces will result in irreversible watershed damage and it will also damage the recreation, tourism and economy once afforded by these natural resources in Kidder Township.
Route 940 is a rural, narrow, two-lane road, with steep inclines and limited, decaying shoulders. Traffic will be horrendous for both residents as well as visitors ... a huge detriment to the local businesses and economy. Imagine trying to get to the ski resorts, restaurants, grocery stores and other establishments in Blakeslee and Lake Harmony with thousands of additional vehicles on the road?
It is estimated that 3,000 trucks per day will travel from the Interstates exiting on Routes 940 and 115 (I476/I80/940 and I80/Rte. 115 intersections) to four projected truck terminals in a 2.2 mile stretch of rural route 940.
The result of this truck terminal construction impacts multiple counties and townships - not just Kidder Township in Carbon County, but also Monroe and Luzerne counties and surrounding townships.
PennDOT currently projects that no upgrades to the roads, nor any traffic lights, are needed. Neither PennDOT nor PADEP will consider cumulative impacts to traffic, air quality and noise from these truck terminals being built. In addition, no cumulative noise studies or air pollution studies were performed for the two truck terminals that were already approved. There will be major impacts to the air, noise, light, etc. etc. etc.! Enough is enough!
It is time to take a step back and consider the future of our communities’ way of life. It is time to stop the truck terminals!
Fran Weiner
Lake Harmony