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Carbon area students gear up for spring activities

This weekly column is coordinated through Sue Gerhard at Carbon Career and Technical Institute. Schools who would like to participate in this program are invited to email her at sgerhard@carboncti.org.

Carbon Career & Technical Institute

Gracie Heintzelman

I would like to start off by saying that the end of quarter 3 will be on Monday, March 25.

Snow makeup days will be held March 28 and April 2.

CCTI DECA will be having a dine-and-donate fundraiser at PJ Whelihan’s in Lehighton on April 3 from 11:30 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. You can dine in or take out. Please tell your server you are there to dine and donate.

Yearbooks are still on sale for $35 and will be delivered at the end of May. Anyone interested in purchasing one can go to the tech office for an order form or visit https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/CCTI2024

Also, if any senior is having issues with FAFSA, should contact Mr. Colosmio.

Also, prom tickets for seniors only will be available at lunch starting Wednesday, April 3. Non-CCTI guest tickets will be $55. You must have payment to receive a ticket. Tickets will be available to all students from Tuesday, April 9 - Friday, April 19, at all lunch periods. Seniors who are participating in the Skills State Competition may get their prom tickets on April 2.

Seniors, please check the senior Google classroom and fill out the form for senior spotlights. This needs to be filled out since they will be used at Graduation. You also will have the option for it to be posted on the CCTI Instagram.

NTHS is hosting a collection drive for local Army reserves until March 28. The technical area that collects the most items will win a pizza party. Items being collected are high-quality socks, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, lip balm, baby wipes, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, Vicks VapoRub, hand warmers, foot powder, and soap. Other items are decks of cards, puzzles, reading materials, pencils, batteries, baseball gloves, baseballs and handheld video games. NTHS would like to thank everyone for their support.

Lehighton High School

Koy Wentz and Abby Bauder

We would like to start by congratulating the Lehighton Area High School Science Olympiad Team for placing fourth at regionals, which was held at Penn State’s Wilkes-Barre campus. With this placement, the team has qualified for state competition, and will travel to Altoona in May.

Next up, the Miller Keystone Blood Drive, presented by high school Aevidum was held. Participation was very heavy, and the event was extremely successful! Many students and teachers donated blood.

An additional shout out to Freshman Ian Frable who participated in skiing state finals and earned a spot on the PARA team for the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Team. The finals will be held in Gore, New York. Congratulations Ian!

Tickets are now on sale for the Lehighton High School Drama Club’s play. The club will be presenting “Once Upon a Mattress” in the High School auditorium. The production will be occurring on Thursday, April 18 through Saturday April 20. All shows begin at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30. Tickets are available at the following link: https://lahsdramaclub.ludus.com

Finally, spring Meet the Tribe Night will be held on March 20 at 7 p.m. in the high school gym. Come out and meet this year’s spring sports athletes including baseball, softball, tennis, and track and field. The high school band and cheerleaders will also be on hand to provide entertainment and familiar musical tunes.

Jim Thorpe High School

Gabriella Cerra

The near future has much in store for the Olympians. Starting off with this week’s typical ongoings, Wednesday, March 20 is another history club meeting date. For March, the Jim Thorpe Area High School History Club has decided to focus on Women’s History Month, covering various women from throughout history and the contributions they have provided to worldly progression. If you are interested in contributing research to the meeting program or being educated about historic women, the meeting begins at 2:45 p.m. in Mr. Ellison’s classroom.

For anyone interested in more specifics in regards to the events at Jim Thorpe, recently the school’s newspaper, the Olympian Current (olympiancurrent.com), posted a few articles, including a piece written by Editor-in-chief, Kaylee Tate, providing some context to the recent Stanley Cup phenomenon. In addition to the Olympian Current, Jim Thorpe’s Literary and Arts Magazine, The Flame (theflamejtasd.com), also made some recent posts, following the culmination of their recent St. Patrick’s program.

This year’s junior and senior prom will be on May 10. Tickets can be purchased from class advisors. Juniors and seniors hoping to attend are to make sure to pay the yearly $10 for class dues, to reduce the price of tickets. Students who want to bring a guest who does not physically attend Jim Thorpe should get a guest form from the office.

Mrs. Gabrielle, one of Jim Thorpe’s computer science teachers, runs the ESports team and is looking for anyone interested in participating in ESports, specifically virtual chess. ESports competes against other schools in the area, playing various video games, like Rocket League and Smash Bros, and now chess.

Spring sports have also begun.

As the home of the Olympians, Jim Thorpe takes sports with full seriousness. The boys tennis, as well as Track & Field, girls softball, and the boys baseball teams have been training and recently began playing matches against other schools. Students should help encourage their Olympian sports teams. Any members of the community who read this to do so as well are greatly appreciated!

On the morning of March 22, Jim Thorpe’s SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) chapter is drawing winners of the Gift Card Raffle fundraiser they recently ran. The prizes offered were a $100 VISA gift card, a $25 Starbucks gift card, and a $25 Chipotle gift card. Anyone who purchased raffle tickets should keep on the lookout to see if he or she is contacted for the prize.

The much awaited spring break begins soon, with the first off day being Wednesday, March 27. Students return on April 2, which is also the end of this marking period. It is likely that teachers are expecting all makeup work to be completed this week, so students should be prioritizing turning in any missing assignments and making up missed work.

On Thursday, March 21, members of JT FBLA will be traveling to Bloomsburg University for the Husky Dog Pound Competition.

On Sunday, April 7, the PA FBLA Region 21 Regional Leadership Conference winners from Jim Thorpe will be departing to Hershey. They will return mid-way through the day on Wednesday, April 10.

Four days following the end of Quarter 3, the Class of 2025 will be hosting a breakfast and basket baffle at JTAHS. On Saturday, April 6, doors open at 8 a.m. and close at 1 p.m. Volunteers of the class of 2025 will make e and serve breakfast and different baskets full of goodies will be raffled.

Weatherly High School Mellanie Marshman

Weatherly Wreckers baseball team will have their first games this week. First one will be on Wednesday. All games will be posted on all social media platforms for Weatherly school district.

Thirteen new members were inducted into NHS this past week. One was senior Jonathan Sachs.

Drama students are practicing hard every week for their play next month, “ I Hate Shakespeare.”

The Weatherly Area High School Alumni Association is awarding a $15,000, four-year scholarship to a worthy Weatherly Senior this coming May. Criteria for this scholarship include, but are not limited to: grades, extracurricular activities, financial need and character. The six runners-up for this scholarship will receive one-time financial awards, including the $4,000 Tim Frable Scholarship and the $1,000 Hugo Paul Family Memorial award.

For seniors planning to attend a two-year degree program or technical school, the $2,500 Harry and Loretta Allison Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to the best candidate.

Those choosing to study medical sciences, especially interested in Nursing are encouraged to apply for the $1,000 Anna Raynock Memorial Scholarship.

All eligible seniors are encouraged to apply. All forms have been sent directly to all seniors and must be submitted to Mrs. Minnick by April 5. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Minnick or contact Sue Ann Gerhard, 570-582-0021.