Published March 08. 2024 12:40PM
The Schuylkill County Commissioners are getting ready for the April 23 primary election by hiring election workers.
At their work session Wednesday, the commissioners discussed the hiring they will do at the next public meeting on Wednesday, March 14.
The commissioners are expected to hire 14 rovers at $12 per hour and 67 cents per mile, and for office preparation, logistics and accuracy: Joe Matz, Ron Coleman, Carol Cooney Syzdek, Paula Warmkessel, John Guers, John Handler, Tim Wood, Gary Keifer, Cindy Drazenovich, Paul Wachter, Jim Gustus and Vince Zangari.
Albert Grikoski, the county’s election director, said he is seeking two more rovers.
The county is also going to hire four sub-contractors to fill in where needed: Delmar Phillips, Carol Cooney Syzdek, Mary Ann Yanchukis and Paula Warmkessel.
The commissioners are going to hire 11 drivers to deliver election supplies: Steven Davis, Delmar Phillips and Rory Reiley at $360 each; James Zerbe at $350; Gary Keifer at $340; Jay Tobias, Keith Fogash and Linda Handler at $320 each; William Klinger and Darren Phillips at $310, and Vivian Rupert at $300.
Eight Election Day drivers will also be hired on an as-needed basis as subcontractors at $14 per hour: Delmar Phillips, Gary Goodman, Andrew Grikoski, Jeff Kovach, Keith Pogash, Steve McCord, Darren Phillips and John Guers.
Four resolution board members will also he hired at $100 each to work at the STS Building on Election Night: Renee Buchman, Edward Barket, Michael Vigoda and Bob Bylone.
Finally, five subcontractors will be hired at $70 per day to begin computation and canvassing of election returns at 9 a.m. on April 26 at the Election Bureau: James Klock, Joanne Dower, Mary Ann Yanchulis, Sharon Chiao and Ann M. Karpovich.
Al Gricoski said he is looking for three additional people for computation and vote canvassing.