Published March 04. 2024 12:11PM
SS Peter and Paul Polish National Catholic Church, 44 E. Adams St., McAdoo, will hold Lenten Devotions every Wednesday during the Lenten season and Holy Week at 6 p.m.
On Wednesday will be the Stations of the Cross, with meditations and hymns, followed by Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Part two of The Bitter Lamentations, known as “Gorzkie Zale” in Polish will be held on March 13. This devotion is in three parts and dates to early 18th Century Warsaw. The hymns and antiphons remain unchanged for over 300 years. The Lamentations are a sung meditation on the Passion of Our Lord. It invites us to meditate on His suffering and to see it through the eyes of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The service begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and concludes with Benediction. It is sung in English and music is provided to the congregation.
Part Three on Wednesday, March 27.