Hatchery Road closure starts Friday
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission advises motorists that Hatchery Road, a Penn Forest Township roadway located above the northbound-550 bridge on the Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Northeast Extension, will close Friday and is expected to re-open Oct. 31.
The approximate eight-month closure is part of a bridge replacement project on the PA Turnpike’s Northeast Extension.
The project has caused concern from the residents who will have to make a nearly 25-mile detour to get to Route 903 for doctors’ appointments and other businesses.
The bridge, which carries Hatchery Road over the Turnpike at milepost A83.88, will be replaced over the next eight months.
During the closure, expect higher traffic volumes on detour roads. Motorists are encouraged to plan travel accordingly. Changeable message signs will also provide information on closures and detours. Work schedules are subject to change based on weather conditions.
Westbound Detour: Follow Hatchery Road (changing names into Penn Forest Road) 4.7 miles to Pohopoco Road. Take Pohopoco Road 0.3 miles to Trachsville Hill Road. Take Trachsville Hill Road 1.3 miles to Route 209 (Interchange Road). Follow Route 209 South 8.2 miles to Harrity Road (Route 2007). Take Harrity Road 0.6 miles to Fairyland Road. Take Fairyland Road (changing names into Long Run Road) 3.2 miles to Maury Road. Take Maury Road 2.5 miles to State Route 903. Follow Route 903 North 3.0 miles to Hatchery Road.
Eastbound detour:
Follow Route 903 South 3 miles to Maury Road. Take Maury Road 2.5 miles to Long Run Road. Take Long Run Road (changing names into Fairyland Road) 3.2 miles to Harrity Road. Take Harrity Road 0.6 miles to Route 209 (Interchange Road). Follow Route 209 North 8.2 miles to Trachsville Hill Road. Take Trachsville Hill Road 1.3 miles to Pohopoco Drive. Take Pohopoco Road 0.3 miles to Penn Forest Road.
Take Penn Forest Road (changing names into Hatchery Road) for 4.7 miles to Hatchery Road.