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Letter to the Editor: In virtual reality there are no particulates

It has come to our attention that a small group of cryptocurrency speculators repurposed the cogeneration plant in the Village of Hauto for their own special interest.

This group, understatedly called the Panther Creek Power Plant (PCPP), has requested PA-DEP permission to burn tires. The microscopic particulates released from the burning rubber will be unfettered by pollution control devices (e.g., the electrostatic precipitator, as it was deemed too difficult to maintain) and emitted into the air we and our children breath.

In virtual reality there are no particulates but in reality, for Carbon County, we are faced with emission of xylene, benzene and ethylene (toxic chemicals linked to leukemia and lymphoma and stomach cancer; birth defects; attacks on bone marrow) (Mayo Clinic). The EPA has published studies on the danger and volatility of tire burning.

Please oppose DEP EPA’s granting of these permits (contact: Mark Wejkszner, NorthEast Air Quality Program Manager, Department of Environmental Protection Air Quality Program, Wilkes-Barre Regional Office, 2 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1915, Application No. 13-00003B) and attend (or write to) the 6 p.m. Feb. 28 Nesquehoning Borough Council Meeting.


Helene Katz and Joseph Kennedy

Jim Thorpe