S. Hill getting details to update website
Summit Hill could have a new website in the coming months.
On Tuesday, borough secretary Kira Steber said she spoke with a representative of na studios, Northampton, who wants to bid on web design services. There would only be an upfront cost.
“They will redesign it and turn everything over to the borough,” she said, adding that she would be able to do various updates.
The present website was designed by borough resident Robert O’Gurek. Steber said O’Gurek is fine with having another firm update the internet page.
No action was taken on the matter. Council agreed to get more information and to discuss it at a future meeting.
Other business
• Mayor Jeffrey Szczecina said during his police report there are counterfeit $50 and $100 bills being circulated in the area.
Also during the report, Szczecina reported that during the past month there were 406 total calls received by the police department.
There were two criminal arrests, 30 traffic citations issued, 12 traffic warnings given, 14 non-traffic citations issued, 101 parking tickets and 10 quality-of-life tickets.
The mayor said he rode with a snow plow driver during last week’s storm and the main issue encountered was cars parked in narrow alleys.
• Council President David Wargo said for last year there was in excess of $43,000 in unpaid real estate and per capita tax in the borough. He said more than half of the borough’s residents don’t pay the per capita tax.
• Councilman Joseph Weber said a resident’s sump pump is pumping water from a basement into the street. “I’m not sure that’s technically allowed,” he said, adding that sump pumps should be emptied into the gutters. Council will consult with the borough engineer on the matter.
• Recreation Commission President Kathy Gieniec said pickleball held twice a week at the Hill Top Community Center is such a success that she needs another hour. The council agreed to allow the pickleball to be held beginning at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays. On Mondays it will still start at 6 p.m.
Karen Ruzicka, the council’s Recreation Committee chairperson, said Easter on the Hill, sponsored by the Recreation Commission, will be held on March 23 with a rain date of March 30.
• The council approved a four-year contact for Steber as secretary/treasurer.
• The council rejected a request for a handicapped parking sign at an East Hazard Street residence. Marlene Basiago, chairperson of the Handicapped Parking Committee, said a letter from the applicant’s physician said the individual is capable of walking 200 feet without rest and 400 feet with rest. The rejection was on a 4-3 vote.
• The council agreed to renew its membership into the Carbon County Council of Governments at an annual cost of $100. Wargo deemed membership in the council “worthwhile,” noting he has been the borough’s voting delegate for the past two years. “It allows us to talk to colleagues from other communities in Carbon County,” he said.
Weber was appointed a delegate to the council and Lacey Gonzalez volunteered to be the alternate delegate.
• The borough will write a letter on behalf of Lansford Borough in support of a Keystone Historic Preservation Grant for Lansford’s railroad station.
• The borough agreed to sell a 2015 Ford Taurus to Matthew Rogers for $500. The council said the vehicle has mechanical issues.
• A request by Liz Saba, coordinator with the Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania Council, to use a meeting room in the Community Center every two weeks was approved.
• A request by Raymond Gusick to use the gazebo in Ludlow Park for a wedding on June 1 at 11 a.m. was approved.
• Also approved a request by Anastasia and Wesley LaVeque to use Ginder Park on May 26 from noon to 4 p.m. for a birthday party.