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Lansford official wants changes in trash policy

A Lansford councilwoman believes businesses need to hire their own trash hauler, and not have their garbage picked up once a week with regular trash collection in town.

Councilwoman Michele Bartek, a former business owner, said the heaped garbage detracts from the borough’s business district.

“They’re storing garbage for the week and putting it out,” she said during Wednesday’s council meeting. “It’s outrageous. Completely in front of their businesses, crawling up the wall, or garbage cans on the sidewalk people walk on.

“They should have to get their own contracts with the garbage carriers,” Bartek said.

Some already have contracts with private haulers, but all of them should have their own pickup, she said. If garbage is over the amount or overweight, then it’s the taxpayers who end up paying for that, she said.

“The taxpayers of Lansford are carrying that,” Bartek said, “and that’s not fair.”

Council President Bruce Markovich pointed out that some businesses, such as the barber, Frank Gustus, may only put out one bag a week.

Bartek said that she was referring to the larger businesses that generate a lot of trash and perishables, which should be picked up more than once a week.

“We’re trying to change things and clean up the town,” she said. “Well, let’s do it.”

Bartek suggested looking at the ordinances. Councilman Jack Soberick, who heads the zoning/ordinance committee, said he would like to meet with his committee, possibly on a date separate from the other committees.

“There’s so much to go over that it ends up taking the whole time of the committee meetings,” Soberick said.