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FBLA students fundraising for state competition

Area students are writing a weekly column for the Times News. The column is being coordinated by Sue Ann Gerhard from Carbon Career & Technical Institute.

Carbon Career & Technical Institute

Gracie Heintzelman

Hello again from CCTI and happy CTE Month. CTE Month (Career and Technical Education).

This is a time to recognize and celebrate the achievements and accomplishments of our CTE partners at the local, state, and national levels. CCTI is celebrating CTE month in a few ways. We had a door decorating competition, technical crafts, a Super Bowl activity, activities at lunch, and wear your home school colors days and get ice cream. Here are the dates of upcoming activities: Feb. 21-22, activities at lunch; Feb. 23, Lehighton students wear your school colors for ice cream at lunch; March 1, Jim Thorpe and Weatherly students wear your school colors for ice cream, at lunch.

CCTI would also like to thank everyone who donated a basket or gift for the Bag Bingo. It was extremely successful and everyone had a great time.

Also, congratulations to our DECA Chapter for being awarded bronze for their SBE (School Based Enterprise). Please wish all members who will be attending states this week good luck.

CCTI will be hosting an information night about the FAFSA process from 6-8 p.m. Feb. 22.

Eighth grade students from Palmerton, Penn Kidder, Lehighton, LB Morris, and Weatherly will be visiting CCTI this month. Students have chosen two technical areas to visit and find out more about the trade. They will also participate in a small hands-on skill.

Yearbooks are still available for pre-order for $35 and will be delivered in May.

CCTI will not be in session Monday in observance of Presidents Day.

Lehighton High School

Koy Wentz and Abby Bauder

Hi all, welcome back.

To start, a meeting was recently held for all senior students. At the meeting, scholarship packets were handed out. Seventy scholarships and around $300,000 are available to seniors who are planning to further their education. Whether it be a trade school, certificate program, two-year program, or a four-year program, there is a scholarship that fits every type of student.

Next, FBLA students held a pajama day to raise money for their trip to Hershey. High school FBLA had multiple students qualify for state competition in Hershey. Fundraising has been ongoing to raise money for the travel costs. The pajama day is just one successful way FBLA has gotten donations. Students also enjoy supporting the cause, as they get the bonus of wearing pajamas to school.

ASVAB testing will be occurring on Tuesday. ASVAB stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, and it is a diagnostic that measures developed abilities and what possible occupations a student may be successful in.

Congratulations to Owen Serfass for being selected to the Lehigh Valley Senior All Star Classic. The matchup will occur at 3:45 p.m. March 24 at Northampton Community College.

Finally, this month’s school wide positive behavior activity is ongoing. Students can turn in tickets for a chance at some prizes. Tickets are earned by being punctual, ethical, respectful, inclusive, and disciplined. This system promotes positive behavior throughout our school.

Thanks again for taking the time to read our columns and learn about happenings in our amazing schools. Till next time.

Jim Thorpe High School

Gabriella Cerra

This Presidents Day, Monday, is an in-session day, due to the snow day Jan. 16.

As per usual, on Tuesday, Mr. Holub and Mr. Ellison, will host a History Club meeting from 2:45-4 p.m. in Mr. Ellison’s classroom, Room 226. History Club members are planning their annual spring trip, which this year will be a weekend camping trip to Antietam and Harpers Ferry.

We are already nearing March, almost three quarters of the way through the 2023-2024 school year, so course selection is nigh. Time to think about what to take to pursue personal interests and prepare for your career path has begun. PODS meetings were held on Feb. 14 for the Class of 2025, Feb. 15 for the Class of 2026, and Feb. 16 for the class of 2027, regarding course selection. In addition to this, JTAHS’s guidance counselors will host at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday an additional informational session in the high school auditorium.

Once again, this Wednesday will be the host date for a JT’s Literary and Arts Magazine meeting during PODS and Scholastic Scrimmage practice from 2:30-3:30 p.m., both held by Mrs. Maccorkle, in her classroom.

To the sophomores and juniors whom it may concern, National Honors Society applications will be next fall. A leadership role, ideally two, and at least 35 hours of community service are requirements to be accepted and inducted into NHS. Earn your service hours and find your positions of leadership. Those who are looking for community service opportunities can contact their guidance counselor, Mrs. Burchell, for the beginning of the alphabet, or Mrs. Klotz, for the end of the alphabet, or Mrs. Maccorkle, who co-advises NHS. Sophomore and junior FBLA members hoping to join the National Honors Society next year can also take one of the many community service opportunities made available on the Band app.

On the subject of FBLA, members are selling lottery tickets to fundraise for the State Leadership Conference. Tickets are for the month of March, and a winner will be announced each day, as are currently for the tickets sold for the month of February. Those who win will be contacted, via email or message, to receive their winnings. Thank you for purchasing to support Jim Thorpe and its FBLA chapter.

Lastly, the final games of the Schuylkill Haven Boys Soccer 2024 Winter League will take place on Saturday, Feb. 24 at the Schuylkill Haven High School. If you are interested in supporting Jim Thorpe’s boys soccer team in their last winter games, they will be playing against Shenandoah at 11:20 a.m. and Williams Valley at 12:10 p.m.

Weatherly High School

Mellanie Marshman

This week for the Weatherly Wreckers the chorus and band students along with some other high school students are going to New York City. They will be spending the whole day there and watching the Broadway show “Hamilton.”

There is no school on Monday because of Presidents Day.

All winter sports are officially over for the year.

Spring sports should be starting up soon. That is all for the Weatherly Wreckers this week.