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NL to spend nearly $300K to upgrade wireless

It will cost Northern Lehigh School District nearly $300,000 to replace and upgrade its districtwide wireless network infrastructure.

The school board on Monday agreed to award the PEPPM Mini-Bid proposal from IntegraOne for $213,133, contingent upon receiving E-Rate funding.

Also on Monday, the board approved awarding the PEPPM Mini-Bid proposal from IntegraOne for $66,209 to replace and upgrade the district’s network security firewall, contingent upon receiving E-Rate funding.

For both matters, additional costs over the E-rate funding will be funded from assigned technology fund balance.

In other financial matters, the board unanimously approved the following:

• The Powerschool Special Programs agreement per the attached quote in the amount of $22,560 for the first year of the platform, and also the initial data transfer from the prior platform and some professional development, to be funded through the Special Education Department budget. Starting in the second year, it drops to $7,600 annually.

• The extended contract with NRG for software and firmware updates and repairs, at a one-time cost of $6,703, to be funded through the district’s buildings and grounds department budget.

• The T-Mobile Project 10Million agreement to provide Internet hot spots for 60 months, to be funded through the technology department budget.

• The continued membership in the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce at a fee of $464 for the 2024-2025 school year, to be paid from the superintendent’s budget.

• A resolution to appoint Ashley Wilk as Washington Township tax collector, effective Feb. 1, 2024 due to the resignation of Sally Mantz. Directors Gale Husack, Donna Kulp, and Natalie Snyder were opposed.