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Amanda McLean Listopad

Amanda McLean Listopad

Town: Lehighton

Work location: LVH-Carbon

Job Title: Registered Nurse

Department you work in: Emergency Department and ICU

About your job, and why you like it: Working in the emergency room is one of the best jobs I have ever had. Things can change at a moment’s notice, and you must be ready for anything to come in the door. When someone comes to the emergency room, they are not having the best day of their lives and I like to be the nurse that helps to make that day just a little bit easier. This also is the case for working in the ICU. I love to help make a difference every day.

How long you have worked there: Started at the LVHN Carbon campus right after it opened in June 2022

Challenges/proud moments of your job: Working in both the ER and ICU there will always be challenges to overcome, but I am blessed to have the best co-workers and doctors that work here every day. When we have extremely challenging patients come through the door, I know that we can handle it. As for proud moments, I have gotten recognition multiple times, including three Daisey nominations.

Background, Education: I obtained my first associate degree for Medical Assisting in 2015 and worked in multiple doctors’ offices for 6 years. While working I returned to school and received my associate degree in nursing in 2022 from LCCC. I am currently enrolled in York College of Pennsylvania working on my BSN.

Information about you and your family: I live with my husband Rich, and our 11-year-old son Jude. We have two dogs and six goats. We love to go to travel to go to concerts to see new places often.

Why you like working for LVHN: I had worked for LVHN six years ago in an outpatient office. I really enjoyed the organization and missed it when I changed jobs while going to nursing school. I knew my goal after nursing school was to come back to LVHN, and it was amazing that the timing worked out for the Carbon Campus.