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Where are you in the watershed?

Have you ever taken in the view from Camelback? Or the Knob in Mount Pocono? Maybe Mt. Wismer in Barrett Township, or even the top of the yellow trail at a Spruce Mountain retreat?

Yes? Then you’ve seen the entire Brodhead Creek Watershed laid out like a rich green cloak, stretched from the edge of the Pocono Plateau all the way to the Delaware Water Gap.

A watershed is the area that a creek drains - the whole area, where all the rain and melting snow stream together into one waterway: in this case, the beautiful, wild trout fishery we call the Brodhead Creek.

And it’s not just the Brodhead Creek itself. Every brook, run, and rivulet that makes its way to the Brodhead is part of the watershed - named and unnamed waters, whether they run all the time or go dry in summer. All the floodwaters, too.

Wherever you live in the heart of Monroe County, the creeks you see every day are headed to the Brodhead.

Bigger creeks, like the Cherry Creek, McMichael, Marshalls Creek, Paradise, and Pocono are called “sub watersheds,” and they have their own, smaller feeder creeks - Mountain Run, Cranberry Run, Bear Swamp Run, Forest Hills Run, Wigwam Run, and Goose Pond Run, to name just a few of the dozens of named creeks in the watershed.

Where waterways cross under roads, signs let you know the names of the creeks you are crossing. So, driving Route 611 in Pocono Township, for instance, you’ll see local names like Bulgers Run, Wigwam Run, and Flagler Run.

Where do you fit it?

Do you live on a hill overlooking the Mill Creek valley in Cresco? Or maybe Kettle Creek is part of your daily drive to school, work, or shopping? Do you see signs for the Scot Run or Reeders Run?

Whether aware of it or not, you have a place in this rich, natural landscape. Getting to know the names of creeks you see every day, where their waters rise and where they go, is a big first step in feeling connected to it all yourself.

Give it a try. You may be surprised how much joy being open to the watershed that surrounds you can provide.

Find Your Own Watershed Place

Along the edge of the Pocono Plateau - everywhere you can find a glimpse toward the Water Gap - the Brodhead Watershed fills the view. You can find out where you fit in at www.brodheadwatershed.org. Click on “Explore” and then the tab for a sub watershed near you.

Brodhead Watershed Association is a nonprofit environmental organization formed in 1989. BWA is dedicated to protecting and preserving water resources and the environment of the Brodhead watershed, and the water quality of the Brodhead, Cherry, Marshalls, McMichael, Paradise and Pocono creeks and their tributaries. BWA assists municipalities, residents, businesses and groups with protecting natural resources through education, workshops, seminars, public programs and stream monitoring.

For more information, email info@brodheadwatershed.org, call 570-839-1120 or visit www.brodheadwatershed.org.

Nature works on a larger-than-human scale. Getting to know your local creeks and streams connects you to the beautiful Brodhead Creek Watershed. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO