Published January 30. 2024 10:49AM
I was born in Lansford and am a lifelong resident for over 8 decades. I served the borough as mayor and as councilman. Currently Lansford has been without a borough secretary/treasurer since Jan. 2, 2024 when council re-organized. Council failed to second the motion to re-appoint the position knowing that the assistant secretary resigned that position on Dec. 31.
Now President Bruce Markovich passes blame for the lack of a part-time borough secretary, who was actually hired at the Jan. 16 council meeting, due to actions of a member of council. Since when does the action of one member of any council supersede the votes of the entire council?
The travesty is that the Lansford Borough office remains on lockdown and is the fault is of the entire Lansford Council (not one member’s vote) since council is controlled by President Bruce.
There was much discussion and “political foreplay” made known to the public by rumors circulating prior to the re-organization meeting. The behind the scenes ... ie: tit for tat, wheeling and dealing between President Bruce and some council members resulted in the lack of the appointment of the secretary-treasurer. Henceforth the lack of municipal services for the public. The inability for Right to Know requests to be processed - a violation of the Pa. Open Records Act requires an appointed official to handle these requests. No applications for zoning permits, the halting of the processing of landlord licenses to include the over $100,000 in fees and many more financial operations put at risk since there is no appointed “bonded” borough treasurer to oversee financial accounts.
The doors to the office remain locked with the exception that President Bruce continues to access a borough computer on a daily basis.
This is ludicrous! There is a total lack of accountability and care by elected officials.
Bob Silver