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LASD hires interim manager

Lehighton Area School District has turned to a former Pleasant Valley business manager to oversee its finances on an interim basis after the resignation of Edward Rarick earlier this month.

Lehighton’s board unanimously approved an agreement Thursday night that calls for Susan Famularo, who is being contracted through School Operation Services Group Inc. to work as its interim business administrator through June 30 at a rate of $117 per hour.

“We’re looking for about 20-25 hours a week,” Lehighton Superintendent Dr. Christina Fish said of how often Famularo would work.

Famularo retired from Pleasant Valley in December 2020.

Rarick resigned Jan. 10 after the district informed him his contract would not be renewed.

“The impetus for my resignation was definitely a result of the board’s inaction under provisions of my contract as well as its lack of desire in continuing our relationship,” Rarick said. “Specifically article 14 and article 5, which stated at least annually I was to be informed of any perceived inadequacies or have a right to respond to any investigations, none of which took place.”

Last week, Lehighton Board President Jeremy Glaush said, “On Jan. 10, 2024, Mr. Rarick admitted that he engaged in inappropriate conduct and tendered his resignation to the superintendent. It is the position of this board that Mr. Rarick’s tendering of his resignation had nothing to do with the board’s deliberation over whether or not it intended to reappoint him to a new term beginning July 1.”

Fish said Thursday the agreement with Famularo runs through June 30 but could be terminated earlier if Lehighton finds a permanent business administrator before that date.

“We took it that far out in case we’re not able to find a candidate in that time period,” she said.

The job has been posted with applications due back Feb. 2.