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Letter to the editor: America must return to God

Antonio Gramsci, a Communist strategist, surmised that communism could seize control of the culture without violence through the destruction of the family and religion.

He stated, “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity ... In the ‘new order,’ Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”

America is being destroyed from within by un-Godly leaders who are skillfully chipping away at our prosperity and identity (open borders) because our nation’s destruction is the key to creating Gramsci’s egalitarian dream of a new order through the World Economic Forum.

Billionaire Klaus Schwab, the Forums leader claimed, “Once the new order is instituted you will be happy to own nothing”; how charitable of him.

George Soros also believed, “American supremacy is the greatest threat to the world today; the main obstacle to a stable just world order.”

Unbelievably, it seems the old method of “smoke and mirrors” is being used by both political parties to deceive Americans while moving our nation toward this new order; aggressive Democrats radically pushing the agenda ahead as the Republicans, apparently showing concern, put on a congressional show by using the “all talk no action approach”; purposely avoiding any judicial actions that would impede its advance.

Providentially, some Americans are becoming aware of this charade and are rejecting the left’s notion that ungodly leaders are the best representatives of Godly people.

Our only solution is to return to God fully; requesting the grace for man’s spiritual conversion from Him.

Look what evil men do without God; imagine what good men can do with God.

Walter Camier

Hazle Township