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School property tax system needs to change

I‘d like to add to the letter to the editor from L. Ernie Foucault on Jan. 5 “Time to revamp how public schools funded.” In Foucault’s letter it was stated: “a significant number of his local residents (Panther Valley superintendent David McAndrew’s) actually pay nothing directly to the district because they don’t own property.”

I heard the story of a woman working at the Humboldt Industrial Park who was complaining about the increase in her school property tax. She asked 29 co-workers, who had a combined count of 62 children going to the Hazleton Area School District, how much their school property tax was. Out of those 29 co-workers with 62 children going to Hazleton Area schools, only two were paying property tax.

A former elderly neighbor of mine in her 90s complaining about the school property tax told me she hasn’t had a kid or grandkid in school in over half a century. She had her house paid off when Lyndon Johnson was president and has paid more in taxes all these years that comes to more than a half dozen times what her and her husband originally paid for the place.

I agree wholeheartedly with L. Ernie Foucault, the school property tax fiasco needs abolishing. Something has to change to make the system fair especially for all who participate.

David C. Budda

Beaver Meadows