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Foundation awards $16,000 in grants

The Northwestern Lehigh Education Foundation recently dispersed more than $16,000 to the Northwestern Lehigh School District for teacher mini-grants and more, bringing the foundation’s cumulative funding to more than $2 million.

In addition to dozens of teacher mini-grants, some of the specific programs funded by the foundation since inception include classroom Smart boards, broadcasting studios, digital immersion programs and steam labs for each building.

“The experiential learning we’re able to offer students through the NWLEF funding really helps bring learning to life,” said Clare Coupe Scott, foundation board member.

Reaching $2 million couldn’t have been accomplished without the support of all the people who have been a part of the NWLEF over the years, the foundation said.

The foundation also said it wouldn’t have been possible without all of the businesses and donors who have given so generously to help improve the education of our children.

The purpose of the Northwestern Lehigh Educational Foundation is to support the educational goals of the district by funding programs which coincide with the goals of the administration and teachers.

As a fundraiser and an advocate, the Northwestern Lehigh Educational Foundation is dedicated to making the school district a welcome home for families, enabling children and youth to thrive, and strengthening the community. The NWLEF is made up of volunteers who dedicate their time to helping the school district provide the best programs/tools for our children. The volunteers include alumni, parents, business professionals and residents.

Each year, in addition to donations from the community, the foundation graciously accepts donations from local businesses as sponsors or as part of the Earned Income Tax Credit program, and hosts four fundraisers.

The next NWLEF fundraising event, a Cornhole Tournament will be held on Feb. 24 at Northwestern Lehigh Middle School.

For more information or to register visit
