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Wentling officially joins Walnutport council

Walnutport’s Mayor Wayne Weidner kicked off January’s borough council meeting by swearing in new councilman David Wentling.

Debbie Moyer was unanimously approved to serve a three-year term on the Slatington Public Library board of directors representing Walnutport. Christopher Green was reappointed to a three-year term on the Walnutport Authority Board. Wentling, upon accepting his board position, stepped down from the Zoning Hearing Board and Sam Hartman was unanimously approved to fill the seat.

Motions to send delinquent per capita taxes to Berkheimer and Associates and delinquent real estate taxes to Carbon County passed unanimously.

Weidner commended the Walnutport road crew for doing “a great job on the streets” during the first snowstorm of the season.

The borough newsletter will be sent out during the first week of February and will include important dates, announcements, and articles. The E-recycling/shredding event will take place May 15.

The annual Halloween parade is at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26 with a rain date of Oct. 27. Roads will not be closed before 6 p.m.

Northern Valley EMS announced its comedy fundraiser is at 6 p.m. Feb. 10 at the NOVA Social Hall. Ticket price includes dinner and the show. More information is available on their Facebook page under events, and tickets can be purchased by calling Shawna at 610-799-0460.

Mayor Wayne Weidner and new council member David Wentling. BETH RITTER-GUTH/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS