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Six Panther students charged for Snapchat threats

Six Panther Valley School District students were charged with harassment after Coaldale police said they threatened another student on social media.

According to police, officers heard from parents of the Coaldale victim at 6:30 a.m. Jan. 10. The parents reported a harassment incident they said was happening on Snapchat, an online messaging service.

The parents told police that juveniles who attend the local district started a group chat with other students of the same age. In the chat, six juveniles made threatening statements and harassing comments toward the victim.

Police were given screenshots of the entire conversation.

Officers investigated the incident with Panther Valley district officials and school resource officers. Police said the district was already aware of the situation and provided the names of those involved.

As a result of the incident, six juveniles were charged with a summary offense of harassment, police said.