Pleasant Valley School District launches new website
Pleasant Valley School District unveiled its new website on Friday.
Charles Tomori, the head of the Technology Department, showed off the new pages to the school board during the workshop portion of their meeting Thursday evening. It has taken more than a year to revamp the website and was a team effort in his department. But Tomori said the majority of the work was done by Terrance Cleary, an information systems technician at the school district.
“This was his undertaking. If it wasn’t for him, everything you see here has his fingerprints on it. He literally built this whole thing up,” Tomori said. “I just want to make sure to give credit where credit is due.”
Technology Department members had three goals when they started working on the new website. First, they wanted to make sure the website presented a positive message to the community and anybody else who might like to move into the community.
“The other thing is to keep our families informed as much as possible and as easy as possible,” Tomori said. “Our old site was very difficult to navigate.”
It lacked uniformity.
“One of my pet peeves with the old site was that nothing was uniform,” he said.
The new website is uniform. Each of the pages for the district and the four schools has a similar layout with tabs in the same place on each one to make it easy for people to find what they need.
At the top of all the pages are tabs labeled Students, Parents, Staff, and Our Schools. Just below that, but above the photo gallery that fills the screen from side-to-side, are tabs labeled Our District, Administration, Athletics Activities, Departments, and Community on the District Home page, and Our School, Staff Directory, Departments, Academics and Calendar on the school building pages.
Tomori said each page has the staff that are in that school building or work for the district.
“People complained that they couldn’t find staff members,” he said.
Each page also has a calendar specific to that school building with the district calendar feeding into all of them.
On the right hand side of all of them, Tomori said are call to action buttons: enroll, apply, and Facebook. Enroll is for anyone seeking to enroll their child in a district school. Apply is for people looking to apply for a job in the district, and Facebook is their social media platform.
“Again, really keeping everything at the forefront, so you’re not digging through pages to get to the information,” he said.
The website is still a work in progress and Tomori said he knows there will be a few hiccups here and there, but he was very pleased to be able to launch it.
School board President Sue Kresge said, “Thank you to the Technology Department. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Superintendent James Konrad said, “I can honestly tell the school board and everyone here, Chuck, Alex and Terrance, you guys have exceeded even my expectations.”
Alex Sterenchock is also a member of the Technology Department.
The website is mobile friendly, Tomori said, and he wants to have more pictures added to it, because pictures say more than words.
“I’d love to have pictures from students,” he said about the pictures and other media content. “I want 100% of the stuff you see on here either taken by a student, created by a student, or something that was made here at Pleasant Valley, so this makes the site feel really like a Pleasant Valley website.”
To check out the new website, go to