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Foundation opens scholarship process for students

The Carbon County Community Foundation is accepting applications for scholarships available to students graduating from Carbon County school districts this year.

Scholarships range from $500 to $8,000. Qualified students can submit applications online at www.cccfoundpa.org. Applications are due March 1.

The following scholarships are available for 2024:

• The Anastasia Susko Memorial Scholarship awards $1,500 to a female senior graduating from Jim Thorpe. Applicants should have at least a 3.0 GPA cumulative average over the time period of two years prior to graduation and should demonstrate leadership and compassion despite having faced adversity.

• The Coach Carroll Memorial Scholarship, established by the Lady Panther Basketball Club in memory of Coach Brian “Har” Carroll who passed away in 2022, awards $500 each to four students who participate in the 2024 Coach Carroll Classic basketball tournament on Jan. 13 between Panther Valley and Jim Thorpe.

• The D&P Hawk Scholarship, established by David and Patricia Hawk of Lehighton, awards $5,000 each to two qualified high school seniors, one boy and one girl, graduating from Lehighton. Applicants should show proficiency in science, math, or business, with the intent to pursue further education in one of those fields.

• The Eugene “Peck” Armbruster Memorial Scholarship and the Glenn Eisenhower Memorial Scholarship, established by the Lehighton Orioles Nest #183, honor the memories of two longtime Orioles members. The scholarships each award $500 to a Carbon County senior who is seeking to further his or her education in a trade career at a 2 or 4-year college, university, or trade school.

• The Hunters Heroes Memorial Scholarship, established in memory of Hunter Kurak Wolfe, awards $500 to a qualified senior graduating from Jim Thorpe. Applicants should exhibit great leadership and involvement throughout their community and is an unsung hero who reflects hard work, courage, and passion in all that they do.

• The “Keys to Your Future” Award, established by Jim and Tiffani Christman of The Jim Christman Team – Keller Williams Real Estate, provides a $500 prize to a student graduating from Palmerton who demonstrates community and volunteer involvement and pride in his or her hometown.

• The Orioles Scouting Scholarship, established by the Lehighton Orioles Nest #183, awards $500 to a Carbon County senior who is active in Boy or Girl Scouts with a strong record of volunteerism and community service.

• The Susan J. Tisiker Memorial Scholarship, established by Donald Katz, Esq. in memory of his wife, awards $2,000 to a qualified senior graduating from Palmerton. The scholarship can be renewed for up to four years, for a total of $8,000 per student. Applicants should demonstrate financial need and community or volunteer involvement. Preference will be given to students who are or have been active in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts for at least four years, though this is not a requirement.

• The Tyler Strong Memorial Scholarship, established in memory of Tyler Kowatch, awards $500 to a qualified senior graduating from Jim Thorpe who is seeking to further his or her education at a trade/technical school or community college. The scholarship will be based on merit alone which should be demonstrated through good attendance and character; the ideal candidate is someone who is fair, friendly and a peacemaker among peers. Preference will be given to a track and field athlete.

If applicants have questions about any of the funds or would like to discuss their eligibility, they should contact the Carbon County Community Foundation at info@cccfoundpa.org or 610-730-2526.

If you are interested in learning more about setting up a scholarship or other type of fund at Carbon County Community Foundation, contact the foundation at 610-730-2526 or info@cccfoundpa.org. There is still time to set up a new Scholarship Funds to be awarded to a student this school year.

Sharon Alexander presents the Susan J. Tisiker Memorial Scholarship of $8,000 to Natalie Mosier of Palmerton last June. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO