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Christy to lead Monroe board

The Monroe County commissioners welcomed new commissioner David Parker at their reorganization meeting on Tuesday, and selected a new chairman.

During the meeting, incumbent commissioner John Christy was selected to be the chairman, and Parker was selected to be the vice chairman. Both Christy and Commissioner Sharon Laverdure were reelected in the November. Commissioner John Moyer decided to retire.

The commissioners approved the following appointments during the meeting:

• Chief clerk/administrator - Robert Gress, effective Jan. 16; Greg Christine is retiring;

• County solicitor - Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman LLC;

• Assistant county solicitor/Prison Board - James Fareri;

• Deputy solicitor/tax claim - Scott Amori;

• Assessment Board deputy solicitor - Jeffrey Durney;

• Public defender - Jason LaBar;

• Chief assessor - Cindy Treible;

• Children and Youth Services solicitor - Elizabeth Bensinger Weekes;

• Planning Commission solicitor - James Fareri;

• County Open Records officer - Robert Gress, effective Jan. 16; currently Greg Christine;

The commissioners also approved the following matters:

• To conduct all commissioners’ meetings by following Roberts Rules of Order;

• Rules for public participation at county meetings;

• Meetings and holiday schedule for 2024 for the following boards: commissioners meetings, election, salary, assessment, prison, retirement;

• Commissioner representative to the following boards: Children and Youth Advisory Board, John Christy; CMP MH/DS Advisory Board and Monroe County Conservation District, Sharon Laverdure; Local Emergency Planning committee and AmeriCorp Seniors RSVP Advisory board, David Parker;

• Members to the Pleasant Valley Manor board of trustees: commissioners John Christy, David Parker and Sharon Laverdure, as mandated in bylaws; community members;

• Membership to the Monroe County Prison Board of Inspectors: commissioners John Christy, David Parker and Sharon Laverdure; District Attorney Mike Mancuso; Controller Erik Diemer; Sheriff Nick Cirranello; and President Judge Margherita P. Worthington.