Slatington starts year with three new council members
Slatington borough council swore in three new members on Tuesday evening and a current supervisor to another term during the reorganization meeting.
David Schnaars, a former borough council member; Walter Niedermeyer, a former mayor of Slatington; and Ryan Mayberry, new to the council, took their oaths at the meeting. Kevin Steckel returned for another term.
Schnaars was approved by the board to be the council president. Niedermeyer was appointed vice president, and Zachari Halkias was named president pro tem. Halkias will fill in as president of the council during a meeting if both the president and vice president are absent.
The council also approved the chairpersons of committees. They include Ryan Mayberry, Finance, Planning, Zoning; Zachari Halkias, Human Community Services; Kevin Steckel, Water; Walter Niedermeyer, Highway; Ron Kratz, Public Safety; Jeff Hausman, Sewer and Solid Waste.
The other appointments that were approved by the council include:
• Solicitor - Lisa Young;
• Borough manager/secretary/treasurer - Daniel Stevens;
• Borough engineer - Lehigh Engineering;
• Fire chief - Robert Reph;
• Health inspector/officer and OEO for grease traps - David Hay;
• Zoning Hearing Board solicitor - Broughal and DeVito;
• Zoning officer/building code officer - Duane Dellecker;
• Ordinance enforcement officer - Anthony Lopsonzski;
• Emergency management director - Ronald Hausman;
• Police chief - Greg Winokur;
• Assistant secretary/treasurer - Colleen Bresnack;
• Sewage enforcement officers - William McMullen; alternates, Douglas Kopp, William Brior, and Robert Fugate;
• Open Records officer - Daniel Stevens;
• Five-year term on Slatington Borough Authority - David Schnaars;
• Slatington Zoning Hearing Board alternate - Bryon Reed;
• Council chaplain - Ryan Mayberry;
• Borough depositories - Key Bank, Wells Fargo, Truist, Principal;
• Police Pension committee (citizen) - Bryon Reed, and:
• Police Pension committee (council member) - Ron Kratz.