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Markovich remains Lansford president

Lansford Borough Council reorganized Tuesday night, selecting officers for the next two years.

Councilman Bruce Markovich retained his post as council president, and Councilman Jay Doyle was selected as council vice president.

Other nominees for president were newly-seated council members Joseph Butrie, Jack Soberick and Michele Bartek. Other nominees for vice president were Soberick and Bartek.

Mayor Hugh Vrablic presided over the meeting until the president and vice president were selected, and then turned over the gavel to Markovich, who opened nominations for president pro tempore.

Butrie and Bartek were nominated, and Bartek was selected.

Council then failed to select a secretary/treasurer, but reappointed Robert Yurchak, who was not present, as borough solicitor, and ARRO Consulting as borough engineer and code/zoning official.

Meetings were set for the second Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. The next regular meeting is Jan. 10.

Council tabled action on committee meeting dates and times, as each committee chair may select their own dates and times. Council had been holding all committee meetings in one session on the first Tuesday of the month.

Council also discussed having public comment on agenda items only at the beginning of the meeting, and public comment on any other issue not on the agenda at the end of the meetings.

Butrie also suggested that council limit public comments to three minutes and hold fast to the time limit to keep the meetings moving. He noted that other communities have had success with time limits.

“Let’s see if we can make it work,” Butrie said.

Lansford Borough Council reorganized Tuesday night with three new council members, Michele Bartek, Joseph Butrie and Jack Soberick. Council members are, seated from left, Gwyneth Collevechio and Bartek, who will serve as president pro tempore; standing, Jay Doyle, vice president; Bruce Markovich, president, and Soberick. Absent from the photo are council members Butrie, who left immediately after the meeting, and Jennifer Staines, who was absent. KELLY MONITZ SOCHA/TIMES NEWS