Published December 28. 2023 01:45PM
Members of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 360, Weatherly, treated the winners of their “Warm Tootsies Contest” to an in-school pizza party on Dec. 6. John McGee’s sixth grade homeroom were the winners, bringing in 130 pairs of socks. In total, the students of Weatherly elementary/middle schools brought in 937 pairs of socks, which will be distributed to veterans in the local Veterans Affairs, assisted living center and nursing home. They will also be distributed to Valor House for their Stand Downs for homeless veterans and to the auxiliary’s department president’s project - her project is to collect and distribute socks to veterans in all the VAs in Pennsylvania. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Members of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 360, Weatherly, treated the winners of their “Warm Tootsies Contest” to an in-school pizza party on Dec. 6. John McGee's sixth grade homeroom were the winners, bringing in 130 pairs of socks. In total, the students of Weatherly elementary/middle schools brought in 937 pairs of socks, which will be distributed to veterans in the local Veterans Affairs, assisted living center and nursing home. They will also be distributed to Valor House for their Stand Downs for homeless veterans and to the auxiliary's department president's project - her project is to collect and distribute socks to veterans in all the VAs in Pennsylvania. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO