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West Penn honors longtime supervisor Tim Houser

A West Penn Township official with nearly 20 years of service has been recognized for his service.

At the start of Monday morning’s board of supervisors meeting, outgoing Supervisor Tim Houser was presented with a plaque for his service to the township from board Chairman Tony Prudenti.

As a special tribute, Prudenti turned the meeting over to Houser, who then served as board chairman in his final meeting.

“I appreciate the honor,” Houser said. “I wish anybody could have the opportunity to sit on this side of the table; it’s an experience (and), not always one that you cherish.”

Houser, who served on the board a total of 19 years, reciprocated his appreciation to the board, as well as the township.

He then wished supervisors luck.

Later in the meeting, Supervisor Glenn Hummel thanked Houser for his service.

“He’s going to be missed,” Hummel said.

At the end of the meeting, Prudenti lauded all of the township officials for their work.

“I’d like to thank everybody on the board for what they do,” Prudenti said. “We have a great group, and I hope it goes on forever.”

Outgoing West Penn Township Supervisor Tim Houser, right, accepts a plaque from board Chairman Tony Prudenti Monday morning in appreciation of Houser's service on the board. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Outgoing West Penn Township Supervisor Tim Houser displays a plaque he received from the township for his years of service on the board of supervisors. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS