Jacoby voted in as Weatherly School Board president
Ken Jacoby III was voted president of the Weatherly School Board at the Dec. 3 reorganization meeting.
After the swearing-in of new and returning members, two names were presented for board president, incumbent April Walters and Jacoby.
The first vote, to seat Walters, split 4-4 with William Knepper, Barbara Sipler, Walters and Jacoby in favor; Thomas Connors Jr., Nancy Mulvaney, Tyree Harris and Bonita Barbush opposed; and member Gerard Grega was not present. On the second vote, Jacoby added his own vote in his favor, with Knepper, Sipler and Walters opposed for a 5-3 decision.
Jacoby took his seat at the president’s spot and then took nominations for vice president. Connors was nominated, and then elected on a 7-1 vote, with Walters opposed. Barbush was elected treasurer, 8-0.
Appointments are Knepper as the PA School Board Association representative; Walters to the Carbon Career & Technical Institute board as an alternate; Mulvaney to the county Tax Collection Committee as the voting delegate and Harris as the alternate.
Meetings remain the first and third Wednesdays of each month, with August off.
A regular meeting was held after the reogranizaton meeting.
Food Service Director Jeanine Snyder presented her report, saying more lunches are being served at the elementary/middle school.
More than 100 parents and guardians attended “Lunch with Someone You Love” and there was also a big turnout the Thanksgiving feast.
• Dec. 19 is Breakfast with Santa for the K-2 classes.
• Maintenance Director Kenneth Mehlig reported he got the drain in the back of the parking lot fixed, “it’s working perfectly.”
He repaired a boiler himself after it stopped working. He is also looking at coils in the HVAC system - one to replace over the high school gym, and another in the “massive” rooftop unit above the middle school.
Two coolers in the cafeteria needed adjustment. Trane adjusted the HVAC system, and replaced some parts.
He would like to hire some part-time custodians.
The board will look into how to find money for additional custodian hours.
• The school board will its regular meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday.