L. Towamensing forges ahead on Golf Road
Lower Towamensing Township won the first legal step to clearing Golf Road of debris.
James Nanovic, the solicitor for the township, said at the supervisors’ meeting last week that Magisterial District Judge William Kissner last Monday ruled that Blue Ridge LLC had encroached on Golf Road and issued a $300 fine. The township had filed a citation against the owner of Blue Shamrock golf club after requests to remove the debris blocking the road had no effect.
The township closed the road in 2022 between Fireline Road and Dairy Road because it is in poor condition.
No one from Blue Shamrock was present at the hearing, Nanovic said.
Nanovic recommended to the supervisors to write to them again asking them to remove the barricades. If that doesn’t work, Nanovic said, “At some point next year, actually sue them to have them remove it, or we remove it then charge them for it because at some point, they have to get the materials off our road.”
Brent Green, the chairman of the supervisors, said, “I would recommend that we send a notice of violation to them again. We give them 48 hours to remove the debris, and after which point they get $300 a day (fine) for the obstruction.”
Nanovic questioned if 48 hours is enough time to remove the debris.
Green said Blue Shamrock has the equipment to do the work and should be able to move it in that time.
If Blue Shamrock says it needs a week to do the work, then the township could extend the amount of time so it can get done, Green said.
“I have no problem signing a letter and sending it again saying, ‘Look this is where we’re at. You need to remove it,’” Green said.
“It’s not like this is new to them,” said Supervisor Connie Brown.
“This started originally with them spray painting rocks yellow and putting it in the road as barricades,” Green said about the golf course.
Blue Shamrock has 30 days to appeal the judge’s ruling.