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Veteran school director attends last NL meeting

An outgoing member of the Northern Lehigh School Board attended his last meeting on Monday.

Director Robin Distler has been on the board for 12 years.

“I’d like to thank the community for giving me the opportunity to serve on this school board,” Distler said. “I know we all have great people that are sitting up here that are not paid positions doing the best that they can for the Northern Lehigh School District.”

Distler, who chose not to seek re-election, said he gained a wealth of knowledge in his time as a sitting board member.

“I know whoever replaces my seat will do a lot of things that I did and that’s learn; I learned a lot since sitting and becoming a board member here because I thought everything that I would have wanted to happen, I realized that I couldn’t have it happen because there’s rules and regulations, whether it’s state or federal.”

Distler said it was an opportunity that proved to be an invaluable experience.

“So, it was a learning process also, and I thank all the teachers for doing the great job that they do, and the administrators for the job that they do, especially Mrs. (Sherri) Molitoris, that keeps our dollar signs where it’s supposed to be, and (Superintendent) Dr. (Matthew J.) Link, same thing with you, I’ve worked with you for several years and I’ve always considered you as being one of the best for Northern Lehigh for direction,” he said. “Congratulations to whoever takes my seat.”

Board President Mathias Green returned the favor.

“Thank you Robin, and we certainly appreciate your time and your service,” Green said. “You’ve done a fantastic job.”


Also on Monday, the board accepted the retirement of Katherine Nowlin from her position as administrative assistant at Northern Lehigh High School, effective at the end of the day on March 22.

Nowlin will retire from the district after 26 years of service.

“She has trained up a lot of principals,” Link said. “We are going to miss Mrs. Nowlin here.”

District athletic director Bryan Geist, and high school Assistant Principal Michael Strohl, each commented on Nowlin’s service to the district.

“Kathy’s going to be sorely missed,” Geist said. “She’s a wealth of knowledge (in the office); she’s a go-to point person.”

Strohl concurred with Geist’s sentiment.

“She’s already preparing other staff members around the office on everything that she does, which is everything in the building,” Strohl said. “She’s amazing, and (I’m) definitely going to miss her.”

Robin Distler