Monroe County Commissioners
The Monroe County Commissioners approved bids for several goods and services for 2024. The bids were fixed in place for the year for most of the goods.
The goods and services include:
• Inmate uniforms and supplies - Bob Barker, $111,215.59;
• Propane - Heller’s Gas, $6,525 plus $1.34 markup (fixed price only);
• Fuel Oil - Stiff Oil, 49-cent markup (fluctuating price only);
• Corrections (Sheriff’s uniforms) - Starr Uniforms, $132,844.86; Moritz, $9,426;
• Office supplies and toner - Office Basics, $120,216.45; IPS, $95,930.80 (toner only);
• Snow removal - E.F. Possinger & Sons: snow plowing, $150 per hour; cinders, $184 per ton; rock salt, $348 per ton; calcium chloride, $1,673 per ton; snow removal, $144 per hour; clear walkways, $230 per hour;
• Janitorial supplies - Office Basics, $143,834; United, $113,509; Pyramid School Products, $96,467.71; Pennsylvania Paper, $247,585.22; Imperial Data, $246,650.15; Central Poly, $75,672.
The commissioners also approved the following:
• Overtime for the period ending Nov. 5 - deputies, 26.75 hours; security, 77.25 hours; and clerks, 8 hours;
• Vouchers payable - $2,119,322.80 for the week ending Oct. 13; $1,552,142.05 for the week ending Nov. 3; $646,685.38 for the week ending Nov. 10;
• Gross payroll - $1,311,238.03 for the period ending Nov. 5;
• Healthcare benefits payments - Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield: $113,670.69 on Oct. 10; and $163,091.25 on Nov. 7; Geisinger: $117,653.05 on Oct. 30; dental claims, $4,148.21 on Nov. 6;
• Area Agency on Aging - contract with North Penn Legal Services for $52 per hour to prepare wills, living wills, and powers of attorney for qualified clients;
• Children & Youth Services - service agreements from July 1 to June 30, 2024: George Junior Republic in PA, $725,000; Summit School d/b/a Summit Academy, $175,000; Community Specialists Corp d/b/a The Academy, $100,000;
• Approve the use of Courthouse Square from Dec. 7 to Dec. 20 for the placement of a menorah for Hanukkah;
• Appoint Deborah Staniszewski to the CMP Drug & Alcohol Commission Advisory Board replacing Ken Gustafson with a term to expire Nov. 30, 2026;
• Authorize the grants manager to electronically submit on behalf of the County the FY24 Mosquito-borne Disease Control Grant application in the amount of $133,718.80 for the period of Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024;
• Lease agreement from Nov. 1 to Oct. 31, 2024 for $500 per month with Jaime Loysen and James Passmore d/b/a Auto-in-Motion to enable the district attorney’s office to store confiscated vehicles
• An engagement letter with Eckert Seamans for consulting work for the county at $275 per hour;
• An amendment to the agreement with VBA to extend dependent coverage for the vision plan for county employees;
• Add the following vendors to the county list of approved vendors - Emergency Management: Steven Chervenitski, DOIS: Beam Boost (Beam E-com LLC), District Attorney: Esquire Depositions Solutions, Aging: Patrick Cutitta and Yolanda N. Dotta.