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Veterans Memorial to be dedicated Sat.

The Ross Township Veterans Memorial will be dedicated during a ceremony at 2 p.m. Saturday at 2 p.m. and the community is invited.

“It will be a simple, nice event as the memorial is turned over to the township,” said Deb Brown, township secretary/treasurer, during Monday’s monthly supervisors meeting.

The memorial was maintained by a committee, which has now dissolved.

The Ross Township Historical Society Museum will be open Saturday and has special items on display for Veterans Day. Refreshments will be served at 2:30 p.m. inside the museum.

The memorial is next to the Ross Township municipal building and park, 250 Anchorage Road, Saylorsburg PA 18353.

Other business

• Later this week, the township will advertise a part-time zoning officer position, which will be up to 12 hours per week. Currently, the township uses SFM Consulting to provide zoning officer services. For months, the supervisors have been unhappy with the growing number of complaints about blighted properties and little progress has been made. Complaints for some of the properties originated several years ago.

• Supervisors voted 3-0 to adopt the resolution relating to the Mount Eaton culvert placement project, which is projected to cost about $165,000. The resolution needs to be submitted with the Local Share Account grant application.

• The annual Ross Township Tree Lighting ceremony and visit with Santa will be from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 2

• Three members of Girl Scout Troop 52334 attended the meeting as part of their Inside Government badge, which their 12-member troop began working on recently. During the public comment time, the girls asked the supervisors how long they have been in office. Supervisor Randy Detrick, who is starting his third year in office, said serving as a supervisor is great way to add value to our community.