Published October 27. 2023 05:07PM
Sewage sludge does not belong on farm fields.
Twenty out of 22 municipalities have adopted Save Carbon County’s resolution. We hope the Carbon County Commissioners will also adopt our resolution. The Right to Farm Act stymies meaningful input by us. It will take changes in state law to get it back; change has to start at the local level.
EPA recognizes the dangers of eating contaminated meat of cows fed sludge-grown feed and vegetables grown in slugged fields.
Whole Foods, Heinz and Del Monte will not buy or sell produce grown in a sludge fertilized field. USDA organic standards prohibits the use of sewage sludge.
And our economic future can be harmed as well.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, private credit rating agencies and insurance underwriters are watching what is happening on our farm fields. Long term municipal bond investments don’t want to wait 10 to 20 years for the soil contamination problem to reach a crisis point.
Farm mortgage companies now specifically ask farmers to declare in mortgage loan applications whether or not they use or have ever used sewage sludge on agricultural lands.
Experience in other states show that farmers lose the most as testing and regulation of sewage sludge expands.
I love going to the local farm stands and markets to get my fresh fruits, vegetable and meats and will spend my dollars to support sludge-free farms. The choice of where you spend your dollars is up to you.
Lucy Freck